Thursday, July 20, 2006


Here's a little story about Glogow (Gwo-goov): Glogow is now a city of about 300,000 approximately 40 minutes north of Lubin. Being on the western side of Poland, it was one of the first cities overtaken by the Germans during the war. We went to Glogow a couple times. The mother church of the church plant we worked with is there, and that's where the university where we did an English workshop is. The last day of the workshop, Rich (the IMB journeyman)walked around with Chase & me, and he showed us some cool stuff.
(Click on the pictures to see them larger.)

Here is a picture of Rich. He's learning about Glogow.

Most, if not all cities in Poland have a crest. This is the crest of Glogow:

And here you see Chase and the crest.
This is a poster displayed in the city. It shows how Glogow looked during the war.

This is a church (basilica, I believe) that the city decided not to restore but to leave as a reminder of what they have been through.

This is an example of some common graffiti. "2PAC" was spray-painted on the side of the basilica. We noticed several American band names as graffiti. "Metallica" was a popular one.

For doing the English workshop, the people at the university gave us bags o' Glogow goodies including DVD, brochures and books about the city; hats, pens, laniards, penlights and stickers.

Here you see me and a bunch o' Glogow goodies.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the story of Glogow. Caleb & Keli were ministering at the single mothers' home the day Chase & I trekked around town and finished the English workshop with Rich. I'll leave you with this picture of Rich and me acting natural while Chase took our picture on the pink bridge:


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